Coolant additives

Inside your car’s engine, fuel is constantly burning. A lot of the heat goes right out the exhaust system, but some of it soaks into the engine, heating it up. The primary job of the cooling system is to keep the engine from overheating by transferring this heat to the air. By using our private label additives, you will keep your entire cooling system clean, closed, lubricated and protected against rust and corrosion. Check out our coolant additives below.

  • Permanently and reliably seals and prevents hair cracks and leakages in the radiator, the water pump, the cylinder head and the engine block.



  • Effectively cleans and flushes sludge, rust, scale and other deposits from the cooling system. Improves the heat transfer and enables the new cooling fluid to perform optimally.



  • Quickly prevents and repairs hair cracks in the cylinder block that lead to water or coolant loss in the oil system or combustion chamber. Eliminates the need for expensive repair. No block dismantling required.
